Popular Articles

  1. Setup > Room, Room/Program (View Semester)

    In order for a room to display as available for registration on new registration pages and/or the parent portal the room MUST be authorized to a semester. This screen will allow you to customize.
  2. Home Screen Overview

    When first logging in, the initial screen that will display is the Home > Information page.
  3. Meals - CACFP Milk Usage Calculator - Excel

    This chart provides an estimate of the amount of milk that should be purchased based on the number of meals claimed in the CACFP Monthly Count Record. The chart automatically calculates the amount of milk, then breaks it down by ounces, gallons and ...
  4. Registration Setup Checklist

    Whether you are setting up registration for the first time or your are editing registration for a new semester make sure you review the items below so that your categories, rooms and room /semesters
  5. Setup Discounts

    Discounts can be applied to familes so that the percentage or dollar off amount is automatically deducted when billing is created.
  6. Reports to Get You Started

    Basic reports that will get you started when you are first using the system.
  7.  Creating Parent Managed Registration & Calendar Rooms

    Parent managed classrooms allow parents to register children for a classroom and then select the days the child will attend the classroom from a calendar. This system is entirely managed by the paren
  8. Family Record, Family Tab

    The family tab of the family record displays basic family information and allows administrators the ability to add reporting group, track family status and basic settings.
  9. System Config > Valid Values

    Valid Values allow you the ability to customize specific drop down lists in the system.
  10. Family Import Sheet

    The family import is where child, parent and contact detail can be added so that the detail is uploaded to your system.