Updated Articles

  1. Attendance - Attendance Statistics Summary - Excel (Activity ID 543)

    This is a detailed report of attendance statistics for students based on scheduled and actual hours, FTE’s and the variance.
  2. Deposit - Deposit By Type Report

    Report Description The Deposit By Type report displays deposit allocations sorted by category for each facility. This report can also be searched by invoice number. Report Conditions Leaving the date fields blank will pull all data up until ...
  3. Attendance- Discharge Report - Excel (Activity ID 406)

    The Discharge Report displays students who have been discharged for a site/facilitiy. This is a detailed report indicating the children who have been discharged from the facility.
  4. Health - Allergy/Alert - PDF - Full List

    Report Description The Allergy/Alert Full List report displays the students with allergy/alert detail on file.  Report Conditions When no date is selected, the data will pull for the current day When entering the From Date, data will p...
  5. Health - Allergy/Alert - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Allergy/Alert report pulls allergies for students with allergy/alert detail on file by center. Report Conditions When no date is selected, the data will pull for the current day When entering the From Date, data will ...
  6. Health - Allergy & Special Care List - PDF

    Report Description The Allergy & Special Care List displays all students with allergy/special care detail in the system. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: Allergy & Special Care List.pd...
  7. Attendance- Active Not Attending - PDF (Activity ID 632)

    This PDF report displays the names of children that are still actively enrolled in a classroom but have not had attendance recorded for a week.
  8. Attendance- Actual Attendance AM/PM - Excel (Activity ID 1216)

    This report shows the AM and PM counts of students per center.
  9. Attendance - AM-PM Month Counts - Excel (Activity ID 1217)

    This report displays AM and PM counts of children in each month of the year with an average total.
  10. Financial - How to upload payments

    This page will walk you through how to import payments to family financial ledgers.