Updated Articles

  1. Meals - Meal Count and Attendance Sheet with Summary Tabs

    Report Description The Meal Count and Attendance report shows which meals were served to each student and a monthly summary.  Report Conditions A center must be selected If no date is entered, data will pull for current week If a date...
  2. Meals - Meal Served By Day - PDF

    Report Description The Meals Served by Day report opens in a PDF and displays a list of students that received each meal broken down into days. Report Conditions A center must be selected A From Date must be selected Sample Report Clic...
  3. Meals - Monthly Food Spreadsheet - Excel

    Report Description The Monthly Food Spreadsheet is a monthly summary of how many meals were served per CACFP category (free, reduced, etc.) broken down into each week Report Conditions Leaving the From Date blank will pull data for the curre...
  4. Meals - Time Meal Served - Excel

    Report Description The Time Meal Served report opens in Excel and will display a list of students, the meal served or not served with the date and time. Report Conditions When entering a From Date, data will be collected from the From Date t...
  5. Meals - CACFP Meal Service Action - Excel

    Report Description An excel document that displays a list of students that were served meals past the scheduled time for the meal. Students must be checked in/out for the day. The report runs for a week at a time; the date that is entered in the ...
  6. Attendance- Agency Attendance Detail - Excel (Activity ID 587)

    The Agency Attendance Detail-Excel is a detailed report of children in the facility accompanied by who checks the child in/out and a third party agency or sponsor.
  7. Attendance - Enrolled and active Children with no schedules (Activity ID 1563)

    An excel report that displays children who are actively enrolled in a room but do not have schedules as of the From Date. This report includes center name, child ID, child name, parent name, room nam
  8. Attendance - Audit Trail - Excel (Activity ID 1092)

    An excel report that displays attendance records for children that have been changed from the original record.
  9. Attendance - Class Count - PDF (Activity ID 723)

    This report lists the enrollment and extra information for a classroom, sorted by semester
  10. Attendance - Food Attendance - Excel (Activity ID 711)

    A detailed report that displays the days a child attended a classroom