Updated Articles

  1. Setup > Semester, Semester Family & Room/Program

    Using this option will charge families a semester fee and room fees.
  2. Setup > Semester, Semester Family

    Families are only charged the Semester fees, not room fees.
  3. Setup > Semester, Semester Participant

    Families will only be charged the Semester Cost fee.
  4. Payments > Deposit

    The Payments > Deposit screen lets users receipt payments in batch format.
  5. Child/Family - Child Supervision Record - Excel

    Report Description The Child Supervisor Record displays each student checked in and out of each classroom in 30 minute increments and the staff member who checked them in/out. Report Conditions A date must be selected Sample Report Clic...
  6. Approvals > Program Change

    Program changes allows users the ability to approve schedule change requests from families made through the Connect Parent Portal.
  7. Financial- Receipting Prepay Deposits from the Make Payment Screen

    Receipting Prepay Deposits from the Make Payment Screen
  8. Balance and Collection - Balance Due Report

    Report Description The Balance Due report displays the balance due from parents and third party agencies.  Report Conditions When pulling data from the business level, each center will display on a separate tab Sample Report Click ...
  9. Meals - CACFP Enrollment Summary - Excel

    Report Description The CACFP Enrollment Summary is a detailed Excel document that displays the number of free, reduced, and paid students in a facility.  If additional search criteria are used, data can be collected by certain categories, ro...
  10. Attendance - Weekly AM/PM Attendance - Excel

    Report Description The Weekly AM/PM Attendance report displays Present or Absent.  Report Conditions If data is pulled at the business level, each center is on a separate tab If data is pulled at the center level, each room displays on...