Updated Articles

  1. Attendance - Attendance Log - PDF (Activity ID 601)

    This report is a daily attendance log that displays the names of children that have checked into the classroom.
  2. Quick Links - Batch and Report

    How to group payments together, this will be most helpful if sites are trying to balance back to a bank statment.
  3. Post-Kickoff Activities

    Post-Kickoff Activites, initial items to review upon logging into the system for the first time!
  4. Family Import Sheet

    The family import is where child, parent and contact detail can be added so that the detail is uploaded to your system.
  5. Enrollment - Contracted Hours - Excel

    Report Description The Contracted Hours report displays scheduled hours for sponsored and non-sponsored students.  Report Conditions  No date entered will pull the current month Sample Report Click the report name to view a sa...
  6. Enrollment - Center Weekly Change - Excel

    Report Description The Center Weekly Change report displays a summary of weekly changes for a center.  Report Conditions  Center is required Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: Center Weekly Change - Excel.x...
  7. Enrollment - Capacity Enrollment Remaining - PDF

    Report Description The Capacity Enrollment Remaining report displays the month's total capacity for a room, current number of students enrolled, and remaining spots left.  Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report na...
  8. Enrollment - Bi Weekly Schedule - Excel

    Report Description The Bi Weekly Schedule report displays 2 weeks of schedules at a time. Each Room at each center will be on a separate tab within the Excel workbook. Report Conditions If no date is chosen, the data will pull for the curren...
  9. General - Room Report - As PDF - No Total

    Report Description The General Room Report is a weekly report which displays information such as: student name, birthday, and check in/out times. Report Conditions Classroom is required Sample Report Click the report name to view a samp...
  10. General - Room Report - As Excel - No Total

    Report Description The General Room Report is a weekly report which displays information such as: student name, birthday, and check in/out times, etc.  Report Conditions Classroom is required Sample Report Click the report name to ...