Updated Articles

  1. General - As PDF - Future

    Report Description The General Room Report is a weekly report which displays information such as: student name, birthday, and check in/out times. Report Conditions Classroom is required Sample Report Click the report name to view a samp...
  2. General - Room Report - As PDF (with x)- No Total

    Report Description The General Room Report is a weekly report which displays information such as: student name, birthday, schedule, etc.  Report Conditions Classroom is required Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:...
  3. General - Room Report - As PDF

    Report Description The General Room Report is a weekly report which displays information such as: student name, birthday, and check in/out times. Report Conditions Classroom is required Sample Report Click the report name to view a samp...
  4. General - Tournament/Room Report - PDF/Excel

    Report Description The Tournament/Room Report that can be created in a PDF or Excel spreadsheet. This report includes basic information, such as: student name, birthday, schedule, sleeping position. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report C...
  5. Roster - Activity Roster (Version 2) - Excel/PDF

    The Activity Roster - Excel - Version 2 report displays a roster of the children enrolled in an activity for a program including the detailed information on the enrollment information for the program.
  6. Attendance - Head Count Center - PDF (Activity ID 905)

    Report Description The Head Count Center report displays head count and student to staff ratio. Report Conditions The data will pull for the week surrounding the date entered. For example, if 4/3 was entered, the data will pull for 3/31-4/6 ...
  7. Health - Allergy And Emergency Contacts - PDF

    Report Description The Allergy And Emergency Contacts - PDF report displays students who have allergies entered in the system. In order for a student to appear on this report, Yes must be selected in the Is child allergic to food or other substan...
  8. Roster - Session Roster - Excel

    Report Description The Session Roster report displays child name, grade, parent names, emails, cell phone numbers and empty fields for attendance. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: Session Ro...
  9. Meals - CACFP Eligibility Renewal - Excel

    Report Description The CACFP Eligibility Renewal report will pull CACFP contracts that are expiring for the selected date range.  Report Conditions The Center is not required; if the center is left blank, data will pull for all sites I...
  10. Collection - Center Copay Collection Summary - Excel

    The Center Copay Collection Summary report displays families that have copays in the system.