New Articles

  1. Health - Allergy and Special Care List Without Contact Details

    Report Description The Allergy & Special Care List displays all students with allergy/special care detail in the system. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Allergy And Special Care List...
  2. Payments > Payments/Adjustments, Adjustments Tab

    The Adjustments tab on the Payments/Adjustments screen displays all adjustments made for each family for a specific time period based on the search criteria.  Click the Search Criteria button Choose the search criteria and click View Th...
  3. Financial- Receipting Prepay Deposits from the Make Payment Screen

    Receipting Prepay Deposits from the Make Payment Screen
  4. Attendance - Child Care Aware of America Attendance Sheet - PDF

    Report Description Child Care Aware of America Attendance Sheet is a generated invoice ready to go based on the student's attendance that has been entered for a specific date range.  Please  Note :  This report requires set...
  5. Attendance - Weekly AM/PM Attendance - Excel

    Report Description The Weekly AM/PM Attendance report displays Present or Absent.  Report Conditions If data is pulled at the business level, each center is on a separate tab If data is pulled at the center level, each room displays on...
  6. Release Notes QA 19.5.14

    The following features are coming May 14, 2019! Please click the link, if applicable, for more information on the new/updated features. Associated  Jira Feature Description CQ-3479 Fix for parents receiving Daily InSites after stu...
  7. System Config > Valid Value, Adding Role Limits for Valid Values

    Adding role limits to valid value type- fees and type-payments allow a center to control access to values based on assigned user role.
  8. Third Party Payment Allocations Import

    After a third party payment has been posted in the system, exports and imports can be used to reconcile balances to specific children's third party totals.
  9. Financial - How to upload payments

    This page will walk you through how to import payments to family financial ledgers.
  10. Release Notes QA 19.4.2

    The following features were released April 2, 2019! Please click the link, if applicable, for more information on the new/updated features. Associated Jira Feature Description CQ-3463 Reports > Program > Room/Program Count export...