Report Description The Meal Count and Attendance report shows which meals were served to each student and a monthly summary. Report Conditions A center must be selected If no date is entered, data will pull for current week If a date is e...
The third party screen is where divorced parents are split in the system and third party contracts are added for each child.
Rates and a child's classroom assignment determine how much the child will be charged for the classroom.
Roles in the system allow groups of users to access different levels of information within the system.
This chart provides an estimate of the amount of milk that should be purchased based on the number of meals claimed in the CACFP Monthly Count Record. The chart automatically calculates the amount of milk, then breaks it down by ounces, gallons and ...
Simplify your center attendance and check in/check out process with Procare's InSite Check-In application. This app is designed for a streamlined, quick and easy way to track attendance for parents and staff. Replace paper sign-in sheets, get accura...
How to post a third party payment allocation/reconciliation.
How parents can print tax statements via the Parent Portal
The setup > classroom area is where administrators will create programming or the roster options children can be associated with in the system.
Last Updated: 02/15/2019
in Parent Portal
Setting up parent roles allows administrators the ability to determine what tabs on the main toolbar parents will be able to view in the Connect Portal.