Popular Articles

  1. Creating Camp Rooms

    Camps are similar to events but parents select days they want their child to attend on the Connect Portal during registration. The camp days can be setup with individual costs; depending on the activ
  2. System Config > Statement

    COMING SOON: how to update statement details
  3. InSite Check-In - Application Check-in Logic

    There is a configuration setting on the System Config > Extended screen to allow the system to auto-pick which room a student is checked into. Please see below: If 'Setup > Extended Auto Pick Room for Select Check In/Out By Time' setting is set...
  4. System Config > General Config, Statement

    This screen displays general config options related to the statement.
  5. Financial- The family does not see a credit card or ACH refund to their account.

    If the family does not see a refund posting back to their account and the refund was an ACH or Credit Card, you will need to go to the processor gateway and see if the refund was processed successfully.   If the payment is not showing as refunded...
  6. Parent Portal - Parent Managed Tip Sheet

    There are two phases that a parent/guardian must go though during the registration process for a Parent Managed program:  Registration - this is the first step in the process, which includes registering for the program Selecting Days - step two i...
  7. Financial- How to add a late fee to multiple family accounts

    How to add a late fee to multiple family accounts.
  8. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Incidents

    The incidents section allows admin users to track and report events or issues that occur while a child is at a center.
  9. Setup > System Config, CACFP

    Setting up the CACFP process in the system allows administrators the ability to assign CACFP contracts to children and track the CACFP information for the children based on their eligibility code or family income.
  10. Financial- How to setup a convenience/service fee for electronic payments

    How to add a convenience/service fee for electronic payments.