Popular Articles

  1. Payments - Unallocated Third Party Payment Report - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Unallocated Third Party Payment report displays a list of outstanding payments that have not been allocated for a third party agency. When pulling data, each center will be on a new tab of the Excel version. Report Condit...
  2. Sign In - Kiosk Sign In/Out Sheet - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Kiosk Sign In/Out Sheet displays a sign in and out sheet for administrators to use in case the kiosk is unavailable. This sheet can be printed in PDF or Excel. Report Conditions Center is a required field Sample Rep...
  3. System Config > General Config, Registration

    Setup > System Config, General Config allows administrators to set generic settings for the business level or center level. Accessing the Settings From the Setup menu, select System Config Click General Config Select the Registration ta...
  4. InSite Classroom - Take Attendance, Present

    The Present option allows staff to record that students are currently present and accounted for. The Present icon will consistently reappear 30 minutes after the student has been marked as Present. To mark students as present, select Present from ...
  5. Release Notes REL_OCT_27_2022

    The following features and enhancements will be available on DCW/SCW on October 28, 2022. New Features & Enhancements  The following enhancements have been made to registration: Added "If Attending Other School" registration f...
  6. Health- Health Concerns - Excel

    The Health Concerns report displays a detailed report of health and immunization information entered on the student records for the selected center. Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: Health Concerns Sample Report.xlsx Acc...
  7. Child/Family- Third Party Children - Excel

    The Third Party Children (Excel/PDF) report provides a list of third party students with contracts valid through the date selected.  Click here for a sample of this report - ThirdPartyChildrenReport.xlsx Locating the Report Click Reports...
  8. Meals - CACFP Enrollment Summary - Excel

    Report Description The CACFP Enrollment Summary is a detailed Excel document that displays the number of free, reduced, and paid students in a facility.  If additional search criteria are used, data can be collected by certain categories, ro...
  9. Deposit - Deposit By Type Report

    Report Description The Deposit By Type report displays deposit allocations sorted by category for each facility. This report can also be searched by invoice number. Report Conditions Leaving the date fields blank will pull all data up until ...
  10. Health - Allergy/Alert - PDF - Full List

    Report Description The Allergy/Alert Full List report displays the students with allergy/alert detail on file.  Report Conditions When no date is selected, the data will pull for the current day When entering the From Date, data will p...