Updated Articles

  1. Health - Immunization - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Immunization report displays students that have had immunization detail added to their record. Only students with immunization information will display on this report.  If a date displays, the student is over due for...
  2. Health - Immunization (Version 1) - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Immunization (Version 1) report displays students that have had immunization detail added to their record. Only students with immunization information will display on this report.  If a date displays, the student is ...
  3. Health- Health/Allergy - Full List - PDF

    Report Description The Health/Allergy - Full List report displays a list of students with their doctor, allergy, and medial information.  Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Health - Al...
  4. Health - Full Health/Allergy Details For Center - PDF

    Report Description The Full Health/Allergy Details report pulls a list of all students with a medical condition and lists details for each. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Full Health - ...
  5. Enrollment - Days Enrolled - Excel

    Report Description The Days Enrolled report displays how many days a students attended in the selected week. Report Conditions  A From Date is required Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: Days Enrolled.xls Acc...
  6. Setup > Fees, Registration Fees

    Center registration fees allow businesses the ability to charge children registration and re-registration fees on a yearly basis.
  7. Setup > Fees, Late Payment Fee

    Late Payment Fees and Overrides Late Payment Fees allow users to add a fee associated with families holding an outstanding balance on their financial ledger. To v iew current Late Payment Fees and Create Overrides, follow the steps below: Th...
  8. Release Notes QA 19.5.14

    The following features are coming May 14, 2019! Please click the link, if applicable, for more information on the new/updated features. Associated  Jira Feature Description CQ-3479 Fix for parents receiving Daily InSites after stu...
  9. Health - Allergy and Special Care List Without Contact Details

    Report Description The Allergy & Special Care List displays all students with allergy/special care detail in the system. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Allergy And Special Care List...
  10. Release Notes QA 19.4.2

    The following features were released April 2, 2019! Please click the link, if applicable, for more information on the new/updated features. Associated Jira Feature Description CQ-3463 Reports > Program > Room/Program Count export...