Updated Articles

  1. Parent Portal - Calendar

    The Calendar section of the parent portal will display a listing of events that have been added by a staff/admin user.
  2. Parent Portal - Requesting Vacation Days

    How parents can request vacation days from the parent portal.
  3. System Config > Report

    The reports screen allows the ability to update the reports that are available globally within the system for all users.
  4. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Additional Information

    The additional information screen displays demographic data, consent and permission detail.
  5.  Financial- General Ledger Account Example

    An couple of examples for how to setup a general ledger.   Scroll to the bottom of the page for a video example! If my ledger was setup so that I wanted to pull center ID and type of program being offered, my segments might look like this-&n...
  6. Financial- The family does not see a credit card or ACH refund to their account.

    If the family does not see a refund posting back to their account and the refund was an ACH or Credit Card, you will need to go to the processor gateway and see if the refund was processed successfully.   If the payment is not showing as ref...
  7. Company Rate Export Sheet

    The Company Rate Export Sheet Displays every rate for the business in the system. This sheet displays all rates, not just rates at a specific center level.
  8. Rate Import Sheet

    The Rate Import Sheet is used to batch import rates into the system.
  9. Room/Program- (View Semester), Registration Exceptions

    The registration exceptions section allows centers to setup exceptions for registration fees for parents or families, allowing those families to register for a discounted or free rate.
  10. Room/Program- (View Semester), Registration Setup

    The registration setup option under the semester allows administrators to setup prerequisites for particular room/semester associations.