Popular Articles

  1. System Config > Payments

    Configuration options for accepting payments and setting up convenience fees.
  2. Payments > Mass Change

    The mass change payments process updates multiple payments entered into the system at once. This is frequently used to update the deposit date, check number, payment type, period number or adding not
  3. Family Record, Receipts Tab

    The Receipts tab within the Family record contains email receipts that were sent to parents after they register their existing student(s) into a program.  Setting up the Email Template Click Setup, then select System Config Select Email Na...
  4. Meals > Meal Count

    The Meal Count screen will display the number of meals served in a particular period for a particular site.
  5. Meals - Food Program Weekly Tally Sheet

    Meal report that counts meals for a given week. It will display meal counts by classroom based on where the meal was physically served. The attendance column displays the number of children who are checked into that classroom and have received a mea...
  6. Room- How to change a registration fee

    How to update registration costs.
  7. Setting Up Attendance Groups

    Attendance Groups in the system allow users to automatically group children in individual classrooms into one classroom for a set period of time.
  8. Setup > Classroom Summary

    How to update multiple room's settings at once by center.
  9. Financial- How to collect a payment for a prepay deposit (security deposit)

    How to setup and collect prepayments.
  10. Attendance > Live View

    The Live View screen will allow admin users to see staff and students in attendance for ratio purposes. This screen will also allow admins to transfer students/children and staff between rooms to mee